What can we achieve with Distance Energy Therapy?
We are energy, and your emotions create your reality. Negative emotions (anger, frustration, shame, etc.) make us feel that we cannot achieve the life we want in all aspects (self-esteem, relationships, family relationships, work, finances). , etc)
With distance energy therapy, all the emotions that limit us and keep us in anxiety and depression are changing.
Energy therapy gives us inner peace and serenity
Through our experiences we are acquiring tools to overcome difficulties and challenges, these experiences teach us to be ourselves and what we are capable of achieving.
But sometimes they also cause us traumas and emotional pain that block us from advancing in our personal development.
Distance energy therapy frees you from those emotional blocks and traumas to advance your life and learning purpose.
For everyone interested in their well-being, it is very important to find balance, in our thoughts, emotions, food, lifestyle and lifestyle habits, in how we relate to the world around us.
We achieve this balance through this wonderful tool that is distance energy therapy, since it balances your being from your subconscious and belief systems so that your vital experience is from inner peace and serenity.
¿How do they work?
When you decide to do distance energy therapy with me, the first thing is to have a video call meeting where we will talk about the symptoms, blockages, situations, problems or diseases that affect you.
With this information I will prepare a personalized therapy that consists of a series of sessions. This energy therapy is specially created for you, to advance in your present moment.
Unlock your life and move towards what you want to achieve
Each session lasts approximately two hours.
That is something very personal, during the session there has been a change in your energy structure and that new energy will be integrated during the acronym 72 hours
It is not recommended to do any activity during the session.
It is very important that you are alone / or in a room, comfortably.
It is recommended to be in meditation, sitting or lying down to receive energy healing at that very moment.
+34 626296270